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Getting Started


Welcome to the OpenBot API Documentation. We hope everything on this page is clear, but if you dont understand something, want to suggest a change, addition, etc, you can go to the OpenBot Support discord server and talk us.


OpenBot and its API use quite a few technologies in order to work. You don't need to know all of them in order to make commands, but there are some which you do need to know.

Required Knowledge:

Helpful Knowledge:

Things OpenBot uses that you don't need to know

We are happy to help you with problems you have while using OpenBot, but if your problems are from lack of required knowledge we will send you to other documentation/tutorials relating to that framework/language, we won't write your commands for you. It is up to you to learn what you need to learn.

Creating a command

Here are the steps to create a command on the OpenBot website that you can start writing code for.

Command Editor

MetaData Box

In the top left of the command editor, there is a box which contains the metadata of your command, including its Icon, Permissions, and Support link. These control how people can see and interact with your command.


Your command's icon is displayed next to it in help menus, searches and more. It should relate to your command so that people can tell what it does at a glance. The icon can be any discord emoji. If it is a default emoji, it must be entered into the editor like :smile:. If it is a custom emoji, it must be entered in like <:AddCommand:634475978000695316> To find the ID of a custom emoji, right click it in discord and click copy link. The number in the link is the ID of your emoji. (If you are using discord in your browser, you will click copy image address instead of copy link)

The support link is displayed under your command in information menus. You can set it to a link to the discord server you want people to go to when your command breaks.

The support link must be formatted where abcdef is the invite code.

Bot Perms

The Bot Perms are the permissions that OpenBot needs in order to run your command. It will prevent your command from running when permissions aren't met, so that you dont need to handle it inside your command. You can calculate the permissions number at the Discord Permissions Calculator

User Perms

The User Perms are the permissions that a user needs in order to run your command. It will prevent your command from being used by the wrong people. You can calculate the permissions number at the Discord Permissions Calculator

Open Source

If your command is marked as open source, other users will be able to view its code on the website and see how you work your magic.

Pull Requests

If your command is marked as allowing pull requests, other users will be able to edit its code on the website. You will be notified of all edits, with the option to accept or deny them.


If your command is marked as private, nobody will be able to add it to a server or see it in search results except for you.

Language Support Box

In the top right of the command editor, there is a box which contains the language data of your command, including its Names, Callnames, Descriptions, and more. These let you translate your command into multiple languages!


The name of your command is... well... its name. It defines how users search for your command, and how it appears in the help menu.


The callname of your command is what people use to execute it. For example, a command with a callname of "Help" is executed using -Open Help. Your callname should generally be pretty short, to make typing it easy.

Command Description

The description is a place to let your inner author roam free, and tell the world the intracies of your command.

Command Syntax

The syntax of your command is displayed after its name in help menus, searches, etc. It should tell users what arguments your command accepts. For example, the syntax for a kick command would be similar to [@Mention]. The square brackets indicate a required parameter which is a mention of a user.


[Param] - Required parameter

{Param} - Optional parameter

Param - Literall text (write Param)

(Note) - Note (ie you can use (No Arguments) to indicate that your command doesnt expect any parameters

Translation Strings

Example: How to use translation strings

//Send String 0[LibOpenBot.LanguageIndex(this,BotContext.User.Settings.Language].Strings[0]);

//Make a reference to the strings for cleaner code
var Strings=this.Languages[LibOpenBot.LanguageIndex(this,BotContext.User.Settings.Language].Strings;

Translation strings allow the text inside your command to be translated. You can have as many as you want, and you can access them from your code.

Event Box

Your command can have multiple events, or just one. These are where you put your code. You can find a description of what the different events do below.

To add an event, click the green "Add" button. You can add all the default events once, and as many custom events as you need.

To edit the parameters of a custom event, click the + to add, - to remove, and use the textfields to edit parameters. You cannot have duplicate or empty parameters.

To delete an event, click the "x" next to its name

Settings Box

Your command can have custom settings which guild admins will edit on the dashboard. When your command accesses its settings, they will be represented by an object.

Example: Access the settings for your command

//Create a variable with the command's settings
var Settings=await LibOpenBot.GetCommandSettings(this,BotContext.Guild);
//Print the setting
Message.chanenl.send('My setting is set to '+Settings.ExampleText);


Fields are the meat of settings. There are several different types of fields, which can store different types of data and can be selected in different ways. All settings have a Name and Default value.

Name: The name to access the field by, and the name displayed in the guild dashboard

Type: The type of data stored in the field. Can be Bool, Text, or Set

Default: The value that is set when the bot joins a server, or when this setting is added

Description: The description of the field, displayed in the guild dashboard

Condition: The visibility condition of the field. This is evaluated when people view the setting in the dashboard. It is given the variables "Settings" and "SettingsRoot". Setting is the category that the setting is in, and SettingsRoot is the top level category. For example, if you have a bool field named "Enable Feature", you could have the condition for "Feature Setting X" be Settings["Enable Feature"], and "Feature Setting X" will only be shown when "Enable Feature" is turned on.

Field Types

There are several different field types that can be used, each can hold a different type of data.


The bool type holds a boolean value (true or false). On the guild dashboard, it is chosen using a toggle switch.


The category type is a container for other fields. It allows you to organize your data for easy access.


A list is like an array. You define a template for the objects that go inside the list, and users can add as many as they want (up to the limit you set). It is accessed like an array (ie: Settings.MyList[0].SomeProperty accesses the first element in MyList)


The text type holds a string. On the guild dashboard, it is chosen using a text field. It has a special option called RegEx. The RegEx option allows you to set a regular expression which the user's input must match up with.


The set type holds any javascript data type. On the guild dashboard, it is chosen using a dropdown list. It has a special option called Set. The Set option allows you to specify the fields in the dropdown menu. The Set option must be javascripit. It is evaluated on the Bot, with a global variable "Guild" representing the guild that the setting is in. Here are some example Sets.

[0,1,2] - Choose 0, 1, or 2,

[{name:'Zero',value:0},{name:'One',value:1},{name:'Two',value:2}] - Choose 0, 1, or 2. They are displayed on the dropdown as "Zero" "One" and "Two".

Guild.channels.cache.array().filter(c=>c.type=='text').map(c=>{return {,}}) - Choose from the channels in the current guild.


Example: Log to the console

console.log('This event was called!');

Events are among the most important things in OpenBot. They define the actions that the bot takes. Every event is actually a function which gets passed several variables and has scope to an OpenBot shard. You don't need to write the function, you can treat the code block as if it is directly executed. Ie this code would log to the console every time it was executed.


All events receive certain variables, regardless of their type. Here they are:

Example: Print some information about where the command was called'Current Guild: ';
if('Current Channel: ';
if(Context.user)'Requested by: '+Context.user.username);


Type: Object

Description: The context contains discord.js objects relevent to the event.

Children: guild, channel*, user*

*May be null

Example: Print some statistics about where the command was called'Messages sent in guild: '+BotContext.Guild.Stats.Messages);
 if(BotContext.User)'Messages sent by user: '+BotContext.User.Stats.Messages);


Type: Object

Description: The BotContext contains OpenBot objects relevent to the event

Children: Guild, User*

*May be null

Example: Print whether the current command is open source;


Type: Command

Description: When in an event, this refers to the command whose event is being executed


Example: A simple Say Command which says whatever the user requests.;

The Call event is executed whenever a message matches Prefix+Callname. For example, when someone sends "-Open Help" on a server where the prefix is "-Open ", the command with the callname "Help" runs its Call event.

It receives these variables:


Type: Message

Description: The message that was sent to activate the command.


Type: String

Description: The content of the message, excluding the prefix and callname. For example, if message.content is "-Open Add SomeCommand", Arguments will be "SomeCommand"


Example: Be the first message in a channel!'First!');

The ChannelCreate event is executed when a channel is created.

It receives no special variables.


Example: Be a bad bot and recreate a channel when it's deleted


The ChannelDelete event is executed when a channel is deleted.

It receives no special variables.


Example: Send a message when someone pins or unpins a message.'Someone is messing with the pins here...');

The ChannelPinsUpdate event is executed when the pins of a channel are changed.

It receives no special variables.


Example: Send a message when a channel's name is changed

    NewChannel.send('This channel's name has been changed from '' to ';

The ChannelUpdate event is executed when a channel is updated (eg. Name changed, Permissions changed, etc.)

It receives these variables:


Type: Channel

Description: The channel before the update


Type: Channel

Description: The channel after the update


Example: Send a dm to the person who added the command thanking them. (And probably making them remove the command)

Context.user.send('Thank you for adding '+this.Languages[LibOpenBot.LanguageIndex(this,BotContext.User.Settings.Language)].Name)+' to your server');

The CommandAdded event is executed when your command is added to a server.

It recieves no special variables.


Example: Send a dm to the person who removed your command. (Like any good windows freeware when you uninstall it)

Context.user.send('We are sorry to see you stop using '+this.Languages[LibOpenBot.LanguageIndex(this,BotContext.User.Settings.Language)].Name);

The CommandRemoved event is executed when your command is removed from a server.

It receives no special variables.


Example: dm yourself when your command is approved (Because the default notification isnt enough?)

//Note: this will dm once per guild your command is in, which is spam and API abuse. Don't do this, your command will not be accepted.
LibOpenBot.ExecUser(this.Author,'User.send("Your command been approved! Good job!")');

The CommandUpdated event is executed when your edit request is approved, and your command is integrated into OpenBot. You can use it to update command data if you change formats, or anything else that needs updated. It is run once per guild that your command is in.


Example: Send the new emoji in a random channel in the guild

//Note: sending a message unprovoked in a random channel isnt a good idea. Don't do this. In fact, don't do any of these examples, they are just to show how the events work.
var Channels=Context.guild.channels.cache.array().filter(c=>c.type=='text');
Channels[parseInt(Math.random()*Channels.length)].send('I like this new emoji <:'':'>');

The EmojiCreate event is executed when an emoji is added to the guild.

It receives these variables:


Type: Emoji

Description: The emoji that was added.


Example: Be salty about an emoji being removed from a guild

//Note: also don't do this...
var Channels=Context.guild.channels.cache.array().filter(c=>c.type=='text');
Channels[parseInt(Math.random()*Channels.length)].send('YALL REMOVED ''! I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR EMOJIS!');

The EmojiDelete event is executed when an emoji is deleted from the guild.

It receives these variables:


Type: Emoji

Description: The emoji that was deleted


Example: Change your command's icon to a frankenstein combination of the edited emoji (Don't do this please)

//I'm running out of ideas for these examples, ok?

The EmojiUpdate event is executed when an emoji in the guild is updated (eg. Name changed, Icon changed, etc.)

It receives these variables:


Type: Emoji

Description: The emoji before the update


Type: Emoji

Description: The emoji after the update


Example: Attempt to dm the banned user letting them know that they were banned (Don't do this)

Context.user.send('You have been banned from ';

The GuildBanAdd event is executed when a user is banned from the guild.

It receives no special variables.


Example: Attempt to dm the unbanned user letting them know that they were unbanned (Don't do this)

Context.user.send('You have been unbanned from ';

The GuildBanRemove event is executed when a user is unbanned from the guild.

It receives no special variables.


Example: I don't even know... This only exists here because OpenBot supports every discord.js event.

console.log('Somebody did a thing');

The GuildIntegrationsUpdate event is executed when a guild's integrations are updated.

It receives no special variables.


Example: Greet a user when they join

Member.user.send('Welcome to ';

The GuildMemberAdd event is executed when a user joins a guild.

It receives these variables:


Type: Member

Description: The member that joined


Example: Attempt to dm a user when they leave (Don't do this, its not ok)

Member.user.send('Sorry that you left ''. We hope you enjoyed your time here.');

The GuildMemberRemove event is executed when a user leaves or is kicked from a guild.

It receives these variables:


Type: Member

Description: The member that left


Example: Attempt to join the voice channel that they user is in when they start speaking


The GuildMemberSpeaking event is executed when a user starts/stops speaking.

It receives these variables:


Type: Member

Description: The member that started/stopped speaking


Type: Boolean

Description: Whether they are speaking.


Example: Pretend to forget who a user is and dm them asking. (Please don't do this, these examples are worng on many levels)

    NewMember.user.send('I can't recognize u with ur new nickname... U used to be '+OldMember.displayName+' but now ur '+NewMember.displayName);

The GuildMemberUpdate event is executed when a member is updated (eg. Nickname changed, Roles changed, etc.)

It receives these variables:


Type: Member

Description: The member before the update


Type: Member

Description: The member after the update


Example: If there is a channel named #logs, log to it when the guild name is changed

var Channel=Context.guild.channels.cache.array().filter(c=>'logs'&&c.type=='text')[0];
    Channel.send('This guild has been renamed from '' to ';

The GuildUpdate event is executed when a guild is updated (eg. Name changed, region changed, etc.)

It receives these variables:


Type: Guild

Description: The guild before the update


Type: Guild

Description: The guild after the update


Example: Be a classic first bot and say "pong" when anyone says "ping"


The Message event is executed whenever a message is sent, regardless of whether a command has been called.

It receives these variables:


Type: Message

Description: The message that was sent


Example: Snipe that deleted message like an annoying bot'Someone deleted ''\'s message which said "'+Message.content+'"');

The MessageDelete event is executed when a message is deleted.

It receives these variables:


Type: Message

Description: The message that was deleted


Example: Ask if you are being summoned any time someone reacts with your command's icon

//Note: please don't do this
var IconReaction=await LibOpenBot.EmojiToReaction(this.Icon);
if(||'Whoms\'t has summoned the ancient one?!?!?!?');

The MessageReactionAdd event is executed when a reaction is added to a message.

It receives these variables:


Type: MessageReaction

Description: The reaction that was added


Example: Return to your slumber when someone removes a reaction which was your command's icon.

//Note: please don't do this
if( LibOpenBot.EmojiToReaction(this.Icon))'And so i return to my slumber...');

The MessageReactionRemove event is executed when a reaction is removed from a message

It receives these variables:


Type: MessageReaction

Description: The reaction that was removed


Example: Delete a message if someone removes every reaction from it at once

//What am i even doing with these examples anymore...

The MessageReactionRemoveAll event is executed when all the reactions are removed from a message

It receives these variables:


Type: Message

Description: The message from which the reactions were removed


Example: Thanks people for editing their message instead of making 5 messages with spelling corrections

//Once again, don't do this'Thank you for editing your message instead of being *that guy* who makes 5 new messages to correct their spelling');

The MessageUpdate event is executed when a message is edited

It receives these variables:


Type: Message

Description: The message before the edit


Type: Message

Description: The message after the edit


Example: Be a boss and give the bot a new role when it is created

//Why do i do this...
(await Context.guild.members.fetch(;

The RoleCreate event is executed when a role is created

It receives these variables:


Type: Role

Description: The role that was created


Example: Be that bot that logs everything in DBL

var Channel=Context.guild.channels.cache.array().filter(c=>c.type=='text'&&'testing-1')[0];
    Channel.send('The role '' has been deleted');

The RoleDelete event is executed when a role is deleted

It receives these variables:


Type: Role

Description: The role that was deleted


Example: Do absolutely nothing when a role's name is changed

if(! {
    //Hah you thought there would be an action in every example!

The RoleUpdate event is executed when a role is updated (eg. Change name, Change permissions, etc.)

It receives these variables:


Type: Role

Description: The role before the update


Type: Role

Description: The role after the update


Example: DN yourself the old and new settings

LibOpenBot.ExecUser(this.Author,'`Settings have been updated from '+JSON.stringify(OldSettings)+' to '+JSON.stringify(NewSettings)+'`);');

The SettingsUpdated event is executed when your command's guild settings are edited.

It received these variables:


Type: Object

Description: The settings object before the edit occurred


Type: Object

Description: The settings object after the edit occurred


Example: Stalk bob in the vc.


The VoiceStateUpdate event is executed when a user joins or leaves a voice channel, and when they move between voice channel.

It receives these variables:


Type: Member

Description: The member before the update


Type: Member

Description: The member after the update



Example: Print the global setting for the current channel'The current channel is '+(BotContext.Guild.Settings.Channels.filter(c=>'disabled':'enabled')+' by default.');

The ChannelSetting Class stores information about the settings in a channel. It can either be related to a guild (Guild.Settings.Channels) or a command (Guild.Settings.Commands[x].Channels). It controls whether commands can be used in that Channel.

Member Type Description
enabled Bool Whether commands can be used in this channel
id Number The id of the channel


Example: Print the Icon of the current command;

The Command Class stores information about a command, so that it can be executed by a user.

Member Type Description
Author Number The ID of the author of the command
Certification Number The certification level of the command
Events Object The Events of the command
Frozen Number The freeze level of the command
Icon String The Icon of the command
Languages Array(Object) The Languages of the command
Permissions Object The Permissions of the command
Support String The Support link of the command
id Number The ID of the command


The Events member of the Command Class contains the code for whichever events are used by the command. For example, in a command which uees the Call and Message events, the Events member will have two members: Call, and Message.


The Languages member of the Command Class contains the strings used by any languages that the command supports. It is an array of Objects that follow this template:

Member Type Description
Callname String The Callname of the command
Description String The Description of the command
Language String The language that this object defines
Name String The Name of the command
Strings String The Translation Strings of the command
Syntax String The Syntax of the command


The Permissions member of the Command Class has these members:

Member Type Description
Bot Number The permissions the bot must have to run the command
CoreCommand Bool Whether the command is a core command
DevsOnly Bool Whether the command is locked to developers
Editable Bool Whether the command can be edited by others
Private Bool Whether the command is private
User Bool The permissions a user needs to run the command
Viewable Bool Whether the command can be viewed by others


Example: Print how many verification requests there are in the queue

var Requests=await LibOpenBot.GetUnverifiedEdits();;
Member Type Description
Author Number The author of the edit
Command Command The edited command
Note String The note the author left with the edits
Type String The type of edit
id Number The id of the edits


The Type member of the CommandEdit Class can be one of the following:

Value Description
save Edits saved in editor for editing again later, not submitted
pr A pull request submitted to the author of a command from someone else
review A pull request submitted to the verification team from the author of a command


Example: Print the discord emoji version of a utf character

var Emoji=(await LibOpenBot.GetEmojis()).filter(e=>e.utf==Arguments)[0];

The Emoji class contains information about an emoji, usefull for displaying it on a website as well as in discord.

Member Type Description
id Number The id of the emoji
tag String The tag of the emoji in discord
url String The url of the emoji on twemoji
utf String The utf/unicode character of the emoji


To use the tag member in discord, you will have to add ":" to each side. For example, the tag might be "arrow_right_hook", so to display it you would do ":"+Emoji.tag+":", which would send ":arrow_right_hook" and be recognized by discord as an emoji.


To use the url member on a page or link, you will have to add the base twemoji url around it. For example, the url member might be "21aa", so you would have to do ""+Emoji.url+".png" to use a 72x72 png. There are also other sizes, as well as svg. You can find them at twemoji's docs.


To use the utf member in discord or on a page, just print it as a string.


Example: Print the number of messages OpenBot has seen in this guild;

The Guild Class contains data relating to a guild that OpenBot is in.

Member Type Description
Icon String The URL to the icon of the guild
Name String The Name of the guild
Settings Object The Settings of the guild
Stats Object The Stats of the guild
id Number The id of the guild


The Settings member of the Guild class contains its settings, along with the settings of the commands in it.

Member Type Description
Admins Array(Number) The IDs of the people in the guild who can manage OpenBot
Channels Array(ChannelSetting) The Settings for the channels in the guild
Commands Array(Object) The Commands that are in the guild
Prefix String OpenBot's Prefix in this guild
Searchable Bool Whether this guild can be searched on the website


The Commands member of the Settings object contains the Commands in the guild, as well as their settings.

Member Type Description
Channels Array(ChannelSetting) Command specific settings for the channels in the guild
Data Object Data that this command stores about the guild
Settings Object The settings for this command.
id Number The id of the command


The Stats member of the guild object contains some stats about the guild.

Member Type Description
Messages Number The number of messages OpenBot has processed in this guild
Owner Number The Discord UserID of the owner of this guild (Equivilant to guild.owner in discord.js)
Users Number The number of users in this guild


Example: Print the icon for a language code

var Locale=await LibOpenBot.GetLocales()).filter(l=>l.code==Arguments)[0];
else'There is no language with that code');

The Locale Class represents a Language that OpenBot supports.

Member Type Description
code String The Locale Code
icon String The Locale Icon
name String The Language name


Example: Get the number of pages in a pager javascript;

The Pager Class represents a message pager, which allows developers to easily make a paged message using reaction.

Member Type Description
Channel Number The ID of the channel the pager is in
Command Number The ID of the Command which spawned the pager
CurrentPage Number The Page that the pager is currently on (Zero indexed)
Options Object The reactions used for the pager
Pages Number The Number of pages in the pager
Timeout Number The ID of the timeout which will delete the pager
User Number The ID of the User which spawned the pager
id Number The ID of the pager


The reaction used for the pager

Member Type Description
deleteMessage String The emoji tag to delete the pager message
firstPage String The emoji tag to go to the first page
lastPage String The emoji tag to go to the last page
nextPage String The emoji tag to go to the next page
prevPage String The emoji tag to go to the previous page


Example: Do nothing since you don't need to use this class

//Insert cool code here

The PatreonData class represents a patreon of OpenBot

Member Type Description
access String The access token of the patreon
expires Number The timestamp at which the token expires
id Number The discord id of the user
refresh String The refresh token of the patreon
tier String The tier of a patreon


Example: Perform some math on the express server using a relay'1+1 is '+await LibOpenBot.sendRelay('Express Server',{type:'eval',data:'1+1'}));

The Relay class represents a relay to another process

Member Type Description
type String The type of relay
data Object The data in the relay


There are several types of relays available:

Name Data Description
api Javascript Evaluates javascript asyncrounously with scope for OpenBot API
async Javascript Evaluates javascript and returns callback
dbUpdate Object Clears old data from cache
eval Javascript Evaluates javascript syncronously
restart Null Restarts process
stat Null Fetches performance information


Example: Get the rating of a command manually javascript var Reviews=await LibOpenBot.GetCommandReviews(; var Rating=Reviews.reduce((Total,Current)=>Total+Current.Rating,0)/Reviews.length;;

The Review class stores reviews for commands.

Member Type Description
Author Number The id of the user who wrote the review
Command Number The id of the command that the review is for
Rating Number The number of stars that the user rated the command
Text String The text of the review
id Number The id of the review


Example: Create a timeout and print its id

var Timeout=new LibOpenBot.Timeout(1000,()=>{(await LibOpenBot.users.fetch(Argument.user)).send('Hello sir')},{});'Your greeting has been created and has the id ';

The Timeout class stores timeouts for commands and other services, so that they can be called even if the bot restarts.

Member Type Description
Argument String Argument to pass to the timeout upon running it (JSON Object)
Code String Code to run (In the form of a function body)
Proc String The name of the process which requested the timeout
Time Number The time to run the timeout at
id Number The id of the timeout


Example: Print the user's preferred language'Your language code is '+BotContext.User.Settings.Language);

The User Class contains data relating to a user of OpenBot.

Member Type Description
Avatar String The link to the user's avatar
Settings Object The user's settings
Stats Object Some stats about the user
Username String The user's username
id Number The user's id


The Settings member of the User Class contains settings relating to a user.

Member Type Description
DeveloperMode Bool Whether the user has Developer Mode enabled on the website
Language String The language the user uses
ShowGuilds Bool Whether the user shows their guilds on their profile


The Stats member of the User Class contains some stats relating to a user

Member Type Description
CommandsUsed Number The number of commands the user has used
Messages Number The number of messages the user has sent


Example: Dm a user their private storage (Why though?)

Context.user.send(JSON.stringify((await LibOpenBot.GetUserData(;

The UserData Class contains data stored by commands, or about commands, relating to a user. It is kept seperate from the User class so that when a User is requested for a profile or something similar, their data is not exposed.

Member Type Description
Commands Array(Object) Data stored by commands
Private Object Private storage of the user
id Number The id of the user


The Commands member of the UserData Class contains an array of all the data stored by various commands relating to that user, sorted by author.

Member Type Description
Author Number The author of the command storing the data
Data Object The data being stored


The Private member of the UserData Class contains all of the Key/Value pairs that a User set on their website. These are used for putting private information in a public command (Like an API key for a music command). It has no defined members, its members are whatever the user defines them to be.



Example: Create a new command for a user

//Don't do this, use the website instead
var NewCommand=LibOpenBot.Command(;

The LibOpenBot.Command function creates a new Command in the database

Argument Type Description
Author Number The ID of the author of the command

Return Type: Command


Example: Delete the command being called

//Uh.... i guess if you really want to?

The LibOpenBot.DeleteCommand function deletes a Command from the database

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the command to delete


Example: Delete all of a users saved edits

//Please dont
var Edits=await LibOpenBot.GetSavedEdits(;
for(var Edit of Edits) LibOpenBot.DeleteCommandEdit(;

The LibOpenBot.DeleteCommandEdit function deletes a CommandEdit from the database

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the commandedit to delete


Example: Delete the pager when a certain error happens loading a page

//Really you shuold just display the error and let them try again, not just delete it
try {
} catch(e) {
    Message.edit('Sorry, an error occured loading this page');

The LibOpenBot.DeletePager function deletes a Pager from the database

Argument Type Description
Pager Pager The pager to delete


Example: If you left a review on your command, delete it

//Now TECHNICALLY u shouldnt have a review on your own command
var Reviews=await LibOpenBot.GetCommandReviews(;
var MyReview=Reviews.filter(r=>[0];
if(MyReview) LibOpenBot.DeleteReview(;

The LibOpenBot.DeleteReview function deletes a Review from the database

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the review to delete


Example: Start a timeout and then cancel it

var Timeout=LibOpenBot.Timeout(1000,()=>{/*Do something*/},null);
//Several bad life choices later

The LibOpenBot.DeleteTimeout function deletes a timeout from the database

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the timeout to delete


Example: React with a certain emoji without dealing with unicode

Message.react(await LibOpenBot.EmojiToReaction(':white_check_mark:'));

The LibOpenBot.EmojiToReaction function returns the unicode of built in emojis, and the id of custom emojis. This is useful for reacting to messages, and determining what emoji a reaction is using.

Argument Type Description
Tag String The Tag of the emoji

Return Type: Promise(String


Example: Print your command's icon as an image LibOpenBot.EmojiToURL(this.Icon));

The LibOpenBot.EmojiToURL function returns a url to an image of the discord emoji you pass to it (For example, you would pass ":smile:" or "<:CoolEmoji:12345>")

Argument Type Description
Tag String The Tag of the emoji

Return Type: Promise(String


Example: DM yourself when an error happens

try {;
} catch(Error) {

The LibOpenBot.ExecUser function allows you to interact with a user who may not be in the same shard as your code is running in.

Argument Type Description
User Number The ID of the user you want
Exec String The Code to execute


The Exec parameter is evaluated as javascript, with the global variable User as the user you requestsed. If the user is not found, the code will not be executed.

Return Type: Whatever your javascript returns


Example: Print the name of a guild by id LibOpenBot.ExecGuild(Arguments,''));

The LibOpenBot.ExecGuild function allows you to interact with a guild which may not be in the same shard as your code is running in.

Argument Type Description
Guild Number The ID of the guild you want
Exec String The Code to execute


The Exec parameter is evaluated as javascript, with the global variable Guild as the user you requestsed. If the guild is not found, the code will not be executed.

Return Type: Whatever your javascript returns


Example: List the events that a command has

var Command=await LibOpenBot.GetCommand(Arguments);
if(Command) {', '));

The LibOpenBot.GetCommand function returns a Command from its ID

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the command to get

Return Type: Promise(Command)


Example: Store the arguments that a user used to call the command

var Data=await LibOpenBot.GetCommandData(this,;

The LibOpenBot.GetCommandData function returns the data a command has stored about a User. (You can get Guild data directly from the BotContext.Guild Object)

Argument Type Description
Command Command The Command whose data you want to get
User Number The ID of the user whose data you want to get

Return Type: Promise(Object)


Example: Print the message content needed to activate your command

var Prefix=LibOpenBot.GetCommandPrefix(this,BotContext.Guild)[0].Callname);

The LibOpenBot.GetCommandPrefix function returns the prefi used for a command. If there is no custom prefix, it returns the guild default prefix.

Argument Type Description
Command Command The Command whose prefix you want to get
Guild Guild The Guild whose prefix you want to get

Return Type: String


Example: Store a voice connection in temporary data

LibOpenBot.GetCommandTempData(this).VoiceConnection=await VoiceChannel.join();

The LibOpenBot.GetCommandTempData function returns an object that is cleared every time the bot restarts, but can store things that cant be converted to JSON. Since it is volitile, you do not need to use a write function, just modify the object given by the Get function.

Argument Type Description
Command Command The Command whose temp data you want to get

Return Type: Object


Example: Print how many guilds your command is in LibOpenBot.GetCommandGuilds(;

The LibOpenBot.GetCommandGuilds function returns a list of guilds ids which a command is in.

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the command whose guilds you want to get

Return Type: Promise(Array(Number))


Example: Print your command's rating LibOpenBot.GetCommandRating(;

The LibOpenBot.GetCommandRating function returns the rating of a command.

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the command whose rating you want to get

Return Type: Promise(Number)


Example: Print how many reviews your command has LibOpenBot.GetCommandReview(;

The LibOpenBot.GetCommandReviews function returns all the reviews for a command.

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the command whose reviews you want to get

Return Type: Promise(Review)


Example: Send a configurable greeting

var Settings=await LibOpenBot.GetCommandSettings(this,BotContext.Guild);;

The LibOpenBot.GetCommandSettings function returns the settings for a command.

Argument Type Description
Command Command The Command whose setting you want to get
Guild Guild The Guild whose setting you want to get

Return Type: Object


Example: Fetch all of the commands in the current guild

var Commands=await LibOpenBot.GetCommands(CommandIDs);

The LibOpenBot.GetCommands function returns an array of Commands from an array of IDs.

Argument Type Description
IDs Array(Number) The IDs of the commands to get

Return Type: Promise(Array(Command))


Example: Test if the user is a dev

if((await LibOpenBot.GetDevs()).filter(d=> {'You\'re a dev!');
} else {'You\'re a normal person!');

The LibOpenBot.GetDevs function returns the IDs of all of the Users with Developer Permissions

Return Type: Promise(Array(Number))


Example: Print the note for a edit id provided by user javascript LibOpenBot.GetEdit(Arguments)).Note);

The LibOpenBot.GetEdit function returns a CommandEdit from its id

Argument Type Description
ID Number The id of the CommandEdit to get

Return Type: Promise(CommandEdit)


Example: Brag on how many emojis OpenBot supports

var Emojis=await LibOpenBot.GetEmojis();;

The LibOpenBot.GetEmojis function returns all of the Emojis indexed by OpenBot

Return Type: Promise(Array(Emoji))


Example: Sort two commands by their creation date


The LibOpenBot.GetFlakeStamp function returns the timestamp of a snowflake

Argument Type Description
Flake String The snowflake to get the timestamp of

Return Type: String


Example: Store the name of a guild in its data

//Because you definately can't just access the name directly later...
var Data=await LibOpenBot.GetGuildData(this,BotContext.Guild)

The LibOpenBot.GetGuildData function returns your command's stored data on a guild. If there is none, it returns a blank object which you can edit. To write the guild data simply write the guild which you passed to the function (the function returns a reference).

Argument Type Description
Command Command The Command whos data you want to access.
Guild Guild The Guild whos data you want to access.



Example: Output whether the current user is hoisted on the web search

var Hoisted=await LibOpenBot.GetHoistedUsers();
if(Hoisted.filter(u=> {'You are hoisted!');
} else {'You are a normal boi.');

The LibOpenBot.GetHoistedUsers function returns a list of all users with a role or status which hoists them in the user search.

Return Type: Promise(Array(Number))


Example: Print the number of incoming edits a user has

var Edits=await LibOpenBot.GetIncomingEdits(;;

The LibOpenBot.GetIncomingEdits function reutrns a list of all the incoming pull requests a user has

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the User whose incoming edits you want to get.

Return Type: Promise(Array(CommandEdit))


Example: Print the user's language in their own language

var Locales=await LibOpenBot.GetLocales();
var Locale=Locales.filter(l=>l.code==BotContext.User.Settings.Language)[0];
if(Locale) {;

The LibOpenBot.GetLocales function returns all of the Locales supported by OpenBot

Return Type: Promise(Array(Locale))


Example: Print the number of outgoing edits a user has

var Edits=await LibOpenBot.GetOutgoingEdits(;;

The LibOpenBot.GetOutgoingEdits function returns a list of all the outgoing pull request and verification requests a user has

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the User whose outgoing edits you want to get.

Return Type: Promise(Array(CommandEdit))


Example: Check if a user has a pager on the message they reacted to

//You won't need to do this manually, it is handled automatically by the Page event
var Pager=await LibOpenBot.GetPager(,;
if(Pager) {'You have reacted to a pager with '+Pager.Pages+' pages!');

The LibOpenBot.GetPager function returns a pager (if it exists) that a user owns on a message.

Argument Type Description
User Number The id of the user
Message Number The id of the message

Return Type: Promise(?Pager)


Example: Print a user's patreon tier

//Note: this might provide out of date data. To ensure up to date data, you need to use LibOpenBot.UpdatePatreonTier
var Patreon=await LibOpenBot.GetPatreon(;;

The LibOpenBot.GetPatreon function returns the patreon data for a user in OpenBot

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the User whose patreon data you want to get

Return Type: Promise(PatreonData)


Example: Brag on how many patreon's OpenBot has

var Patreons=await LibOpenBot.GetPatreons();;

The LibOpenBot.GetPatreons function returns all of the patreons of OpenBot

Return Type: Promise(Array(PatreonData))


Example: Retrieve an api key from your private storage

var APIKey=await LibOpenBot.GetPrivateStorage(this.Author,'YoutubeAPI');

The LibOpenBot.GetPrivateStorage function returns all or some of your private storage. Your private storage can be configured in your user settings on the OpenBot website.

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the User whose private storage you want to get.
Key String The Key of the private storage you want to get


If Key is null, then it will return all of the private storage. If key is a string, it will return the private storage entry that has that Key as its Name.

Return Type: Promise(Object/String)


Example: Print the number of saved edits a user has

var Edits=await LibOpenBot.GetSavedEdits(;;

The LibOpenBot.GetSavedEdits function returns all of the CommandEdits that a user has stashed

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the User whose saved edits you want to get.

Return Type: Promise(Array(CommandEdit))


Example: Print the number of timeouts in the active shard

var Timeouts=await LibOpenBot.GetTimeouts();;

The LibOpenBot.GetTimeouts function returns all Timeouts for the current process.

Return Type: Array(Timeout)


Example: Print the number of verification requests

var Edits=await LibOpenBot.GetUnverifiedEdits();;

The LibOpenBot.GetUnverifiedEdits function returns all of the incoming verification requests

Return Type: Promise(Array(CommandEdit))


Example: Print the number of messages that a user has sent

var User=await LibOpenBot.GetUser(Arguments);
if(User) {;

The LibOpenBot.GetUser function returns a User from an ID

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the User to get

Return Type: Promise(User)


Example: Print whether the current user is a founder

if(await LibOpenBot.GetUserClass(BotContext.User)==0) {'You are a founder');
} else {'You are not a founder');

The LibOpenBot.UserClass function returns a user's class.

Argument Type Description
User User The user whose class you want

The function returns the highest class the user has. For example, if a user is an Admin and a Dev, it will return Admin.

Return Value Class
0 Founder
1 Admin
2 Mod
3 Dev
4 Translator
5 Patreon
6 Voter
7 None

Return Type: Promise(Number)


Example: Print how many commands a user has created

var Commands=await LibOpenBot.GetUserCommands(;;

The LibOpenBot.GetUserCommands function returns all of the Commands that a User has made

Argument Type Description
UserID Number The ID of the User whose Commands you want to get

Return Type: Promise(Array(Command))


Example: Dm a user their private storage (Why though?)

Context.user.send(JSON.stringify((await LibOpenBot.GetUserData(;

The LibOpenBot.GetUserData function returns the User Data of a user (Including Private Storage and Command Data).

Argument Type Description
ID Number The ID of the User whose data you want to get

Return Type: Promise(Array(Command))


Example: List the OpenBot verifiers

var VerifierIDs=await LibOpenBot.GetVerifiers();
var Verifiers=[];
for(var ID of VerifierIDs)
    Verifiers.push(await LibOpenBot.GetUser(ID));>v.Username).join(', '));

The LibOpenBot.GetVerifiers function returns the IDs of all of the Users who have Verifier Permissions

Return Type: Promise(Array(Number))


Example: Tell a user if their language is supported on the website

var Locales=await LibOpenBot.GetWebLocales();
if(Locales.filter(l=>l==BotContext.User.Settings.Language).length)'Your language is supported');
else'Your language is not supported');

The LibOpenBot.GetWebLocales function returns all of the locale codes supported on OpenBot's Website

Return Type: Promise(Array(String))


Example: Create a new guild in the database if the current one is invalid

//Honestly this would never happen, this is just an example
    var Guild=new LibOpenBot.Guild(Context.guild);

The LibOpenBot.Guild function creates a new guild in the database

Argument Type Description
DiscordGuild guild A discord.js guild

Return Type: Guild


Example: Check if the bot has admin permissions in the current server

var Member=await Context.guild.members.fetch(;
if(Member) {
    if(LibOpenBot.HasPermissions(Member.permissions.bitfield,8))'I am an admin');
    else'I am not an admin');

The LibOpenBot.HasPermissions function compares two permissions bitfields to see whether they include eachother. It returns true if the user/entity has the permissions that it needs.

Argument Type Description
Has Number The Permissions that the user/entity has
Needs Number The Permissions that the user/entity needs

Return Type: Bool


Example: Get the strings of your command in the user's language

var Strings=this.Languages[LibOpenBot.LanguageIndex(this,BotContext.User.Settings.Language)].Strings;[0]);

The LibOpenBot.LanguageIndex function returns the index in which a language is found in a command.

Argument Type Description
Command Command The command to search
Language String The language to find

Return type: Number


Example: Create a pager with 3 pages and all possible buttons javascript var Buttons={firstPage:':track_previous:', prevPage:':arrow_backward:', nextPage:':arrow_forward:', lastPage:':track_next:', deleteMessage:':wastebasket:'}; var Pager=new LibOpenBot.Pager(this,Context.user,,5,0,Buttons);

The LibOpenBot.Pager function creates a new pager. When a pager is created, the Page event will be called on whichever page you specify in the constructor. The Page event will also be called whenever a user reacts with one of the Buttons you provided with the corresponding page.

Argument Type Description
Command Command The Command which created the pager
User user The user who triggered the pager
Channel channel The channel the pager is in
Pages Number The number of pages in the pager
DisplayPage Number The page to display initially (zero-indexed)
Options Object The buttons to show on the pager

Return Type: Pager


The Options argument defines which emojis are used for the pager buttons. Passing null/undefined for a button disables that button. Emoji format is :emoji: or <:emoji:id>. Emojis will show from left to right in the order defined.

Here is a simple example: {nextPage:':abc:',prevPage:':def:'} will show the nextPage button to the left of the prevPage bbutton, while {prevPage:':def:',nextPage:':abc:'} will show the nextPage button to the right of the prevPage button.

Member Type Description
firstPage String The emoji to use to go to the first page
prevPage String The emoji to use to go to the previous page
nextPage String The emoji to use to go to the next page
lastPage String The emoji to use to go to the last page
deleteMessage String The emoji to use to delete the pager message


Example: Search for commands from user input

var Commands=await LibOpenBot.SearchCommands(Command=>Command.match(LibOpenBot.RegSearch(Arguments)));' commands found');

The LibOpenBot.RegSearch function turns a search query into a valid reqular expression. This would be used when using String.match in the ReQL language to search for part of a string instead of a whole string (.eq) or regular expression (.match without using LibOpenBot.RegSearch).

Argument Type Description
Query String The Query to search for

Return Type: String


Example: Leave a review on your own command

//Don't do this, you will get denied
var Review=new LibOpenBot.Review(,,5,'Best command ever');

The LibOpenBot.Review function creates a new review for a command.

Argument Type Description
Command Number The id of the command to create a review for
Author Number The id of the user who wrote the review
Rating Number The number of stars to rate the command
Text String The text to leave as a review

Return Type: Review


Example: Search for commands from user input

var Commands=await LibOpenBot.SearchCommands(Command=>Command.match(LibOpenBot.RegSearch(Arguments)));' commands found');

The LibOpenBot.SearchCommands function searches in the database for commands that match the search.

Argument Type Description
Search Object or Function The Search Criteria.

OpenBot supports using an Object {Icon:":DopeIcon:"} or an Anonymous Function (Command)=>Command('Icon').eq(':DopeIcon:'). You can learn how these parameters work here.

Return Type: Promise(Array(Command))


Example: Search for guilds from user input

var Guilds=await LibOpenBot.SearchGuilds(Guild=>Guild.match(LibOpenBot.RegSearch(Arguments)));' guilds found');

The LibOpenBot.SearchGuilds function searches in the database for guilds that match the search.

Argument Type Description
Search Object or Function The Search Criteria


OpenBot supports using an Object {Icon:":DopeIcon:"} or an Anonymous Function (Command)=>Command('Icon').eq(':DopeIcon:'). You can learn how these parameters work here.

Return Type: Promise(Array(Guild))


Example: Search for users from user input

var Users=await LibOpenBot.SearchUsers(User=>User.match(LibOpenBot.RegSearch(Arguments)));' users found');

The LibOpenBot.SearchUsers function searches in the dtabase for users that match the search.

Argument Type Description
Search Object or Function The Search Criteria


OpenBot supports using an Object {Icon:":DopeIcon:"} or an Anonymous Function (Command)=>Command('Icon').eq(':DopeIcon:'). You can learn how these parameters work here.

Return Type: Promise(Array(User))


Example: Respond after 10 seconds

var Timeout=new LibOpenBot.Timeout(10000,()=>{
    ObjDiscordClient.channels.cache.array().filter(c=>[0].send('Super lag')

The LibOpenBot.Timeout function creates a new timeout. (Must be called with "new" keyword, ie new LibOpenBot.Timeout(x,y,z)) The function provided, if it contains arguments, will always rename the arguments to Argument, so make sure your code accesses Argument under the variable name Argument. For example, the function (Number)=>{return Number+1} will be executed as (Argument)=>{return Number+1}, so make sure you name your argument "Argument" The argument provided must not contain circular references. (So no discord.js objects, etc.). It must be possible to convert the argument to JSON.

Argument Type Description
Time Number The time (in milliseconds) until the code should be run
Func Function The function to run
Argument Object An argument to pass to the function

Return Type: Timeout


Example: Update a patreon's tier before using it

var Patreon=await LibOpenBot.GetPatreon(;
//Method 1: Update in place and then print
await LibOpenBot.UpdatePatreonTier(Patreon);;
//Method 2: Print immediately LibOpenBot.UpdatePatreonTier(Patreon));

The LibOpenBot.UpdatePatreonTier fetches a patreon's tier from the Patreon API to ensure it is correct, returns it, and updates the db. You should run this before doing mission critical things with a patreon's data.

Argument Type Description
PatreonData PatreonData The PatreonData that you want to update the tier of

Return Type: String


Example: Create a user if they are missing

//This would never happen
    BotContext.User=new LibOpenBot.User(Context.user);

The LibOpenBot.User function creates a new user in the database.

Argument Type Description
DiscordUser user A discord.js user

Return Type: User


Example: Do i really need to make examples for stuff you don't need to use?

var Data=await LibOpenBot.GetUserData(;
if(!Data) {
    //Note: this would never get run, since LibOpenBot.GetUserData creates data if it doesnt exist
    Data=new LibOpenBot.UserData(;

The LibOpenBot.UserData function creates a new UserData entry in the database

Argument Type Description
User Number The id of the user whose data this is

Return Type: UserData


Example: Bypass verification to edit your command's icon

//Note: don't do this, your command will get denied

The LibOpenBot.WriteCommand function writes a command to the database, saving any changes that may have been made.

Argument Type Descrpition
Command Command The Command to save


Example: Save a note on a user for later

var Data=await LibOpenBot.GetCommandData(this,;

The LibOpenBot.WriteCommandData function writes a CommandData object to the database

Argument Type Description
Command Command The Command that the data belongs to
User Number The ID of the user that the data is about
Data Object The Data to write


Example: Reset the note for a CommandEdit

//Why though?
var Edit=await LibOpenBot.GetCommandEdit(Arguments);

The LibOpenBot.WriteCommandEdit function writes a commandedit to the database, saving any changes that may have been made.

Argument Type Descrpition
CommandEdit CommandEdit The CommandEdit to save


Example: Add yourself as an admin to a guild

//Note: obviously, don't do this

The LibOpenBot.WriteGuild function writes a guild to the database, saving any changes that may have been made.

Argument Type Description
Guild Guild The Guild to save


Example: Add an extra page to a pager from the page event

//Note: Pager is the pager passed in pager event, hence why i am not using GetPager

The LibOpenBot.WritePager function writes a pager to the database, saving any changes that may have been made.

Argument Type Description
Pager Pager The Pager to save


Example: Add a key to your private storage

var Storage=await LibOpenBot.GetPrivateStorage(this.Author);
Storage['Top Secret']='Grandma\'s cookie recipe';

The LibOpenBot.WritePrivateStorage function writes a PrivateStorage object to the database, saving any changes that may have been made.

Argument Type Description
ID Number The User ID that the storage belongs to
Value Object The value of the private storage


Example: Make a review, then change its rating

var Review=new LibOpenBot.Review(,,1,'Bad command');
Review.Text='Good command';

The LibOpenBot.WriteReview function writes a Review object to the database

Argument Type Description
Review Review The review to write


Example: Change the argument of a timeout after you create it

var Timeout=new LibOpenBot.Timeout(1000,()=>console.log(Argument.log));
Timeout.Argument={log:'Hello world!'};

The LibOpenBot.WriteTimeout function writes a timeout to the database, saving any changes that may have been made.

Argument Type Description
Timeout Timeout The Timeout to save


Example: Reset your message count to 0

//But why?

The LibOpenBot.WriteUser function writes a user to the database, saving any changes that may have been made.

Argument Type Description
User User The User to save


Example: Clear a user's command data, and break all of the commands

var Data=await LibOpenBot.GetUserData(;

The LibOpenBot.WriteUserData function writes a UserData object to the database, saving any changes that may have been made

Argument Type Description
UserData UserData The UserData to save


Example: Do math on the master process instead of on the shard cuz why not

var OnePlusOne=await LibOpenBot.sendRelay('Master',{type:'script',data:'return 1+1'});;

The LibOpenBot.sendRelay function sends a message to another process, and retrieves the result.

Argument Type Description
Proc String The Name of the process to send a relay to
Data Relay The Relay to send

Return Type: Promise(Object)


Example: Make sure that math works right on all the shards

var Results=await LibOpenBot.sendRelayShards({type:'script',data:'return 1+1'});
var Correct=1+1;
var Broken=false;
for(var Result of Results)
if(Broken)'Math is broken somewhere!');
else'Math is working fine everywhere');

The LibOpenBot.sendRelayShards function sends a message to all of the shards and retrieves the result.

Argument Type Description
Data Relay The Relay to send

Return Type: Promise(Array(Object))


Example: Make sure that math works right on all the processes

var Results=await LibOpenBot.sendRelayAll({type:'script',data:'return 1+1'},true);
var Correct=1+1;
var Broken=false;
for(var Result of Results)
if(Broken)'Math is broken somewhere!');
else'Math is working fine everywhere');

The LibOpenBot.sendRelayAll function sends a message to all of the processes and retrieves the result

Argument Type Description
Data Relay The Relay to send
Master Bool Whether to send it to the master process

Return Type: Promise(Array(Object))


Example: Use the built in crash reporting when catching a promise'Test').catch(reason=>{
    //You could put whatever you want for the event, if you want a more specific indicator of where things went wrong
    //Also you could put whatever you want for Arguments to get a more specific indicator of how things went wrong

The ReportCommandCrash function reports a command crash to the command's author. You can pass as many or as few arguments as you like. They will be included in a .json file attached to the crash report.

Argument Type Description
Command Command The command which crashed
Event String The event which crashed
Error String The error which occurred
Arguments Object... The arguments passed to the event which crashed.


Example: Execute a custom event

var Result=await RunEvent(this,'MyEvent',Context,BotContext,'Super good argument');

The RunEvent function runs an event of a command.

Argument Type Description
Command Command The Command to run
Event String The Event to run
Context Object The Context object to pass the event
BotContext Object The BotContext object to pass the event
Arg1 Anything The First argument to pass to the event
Arg2 Anything The Second argument to pass to the event


There are some global variables that commands can access in order to do things.


ObjDiscordClient is the discord.js client.

Type: Client


OpenBot provides access to multiple libraries that you can use in your command. If you need a library that is not on this list, you can contact the developers at the OpenBot Support discord server and they will consider adding it.

You do not need to use the require function in order to include libraries. All libraries are included when OpenBot loads, and are available through the constants below.


LibDiscord references a fork of the discord.js npm package. (The changes in the fork are not relavant to commands, they are for sharding purposes)

NPM Page: discord.js


Version: 12.0


LibHTTPS references the https npm package. It is used for making http requests.

NPM Page: https

Version: 1.0.0


LibOpenBot references the OpenBot API. It is used for interacting with OpenBot's database.


Version: 2.7.1


LibJuration references the juration npm package. It is used for converting seconds to a human readable time format.

NPM Page: juration

Version: 0.1.1


LibSnekfetch references the snekfetch npm package. It is used for making http requests.

NPM Page: snekfetch

Version: 4.0.4


LibYTDL references the ytdl-core npm package. It is used for streaming youtube songs into a voice channel.

NPM Page: ytdl-core

Version: 4.1.4


LibYTPlaylist references the youtube-playlist npm package. It is used for getting the songs in a youtube playlist.

NPM Page: youtube-playlist

Version: 1.0.4


LibYTSearch references the yt-search npm package. It is used for searching for videos on youtube.

NPM Page: yt-search

Version: 2.5.1


Here is the legal information on what OpenBot collects and what you are allowed to do with your commands.

Privacy Policy

What we store:

Usernames and Avatars:

Collection: Discord API

Stored for: All users

Deletion: Deleted after 90 days of inactivity

Purpose: Displaying information on your profile and when people view your commands.

Guild Names, Icons, and Member Counts:

Collection: Discord API

Stored for: All guilds

Deletion: Deleted upon bot leaving a guild

Purpose: Displaying information for guild settings, guild information, and search.

Message Counts:

Collection: OpenBot Core

Stored for: Guilds and Users

Deletion: Deleted upon parent resource (Guild or User) being deleted

Purpose: Sorting by activity in search, and displaying on guild/user profiles

Other Data:

Some commands may store additional data. The data that they store will follow the guidelines below in the terms of service. If a command stores data on a guild, it is deleted upon the bot leaving the guild or the command being removed from the guild.

Why we store:

All the data stored by OpenBot is used solely for improving the website and bot experience. No data is sold or given away to third parties. The only people who have access to the data above are the core developers of OpenBot, and Command Developers. Command Developers are bound by the terms of service below when using the data, and their usage is reviewed by the core developers when they create their commands.

Contacting us

You can contact us with any questions or concerns at our support server

Terms of Service

By creating a command, you agree to follow all of the terms below. These terms are subject to change as needed by the OpenBot Core Developers.

Discord API Terms of Service

You must follow all terms of service set by discord here in relation to using discord's api (through discord.js or other libraries) and using data acquired from discord.

Using OpenBot's API and Data

All data collection must be directly related to the purpose of your command. For example, a music command can monitor voice channels for activity to improve its service, but it should not monitor users joining and leaving the server.

No data collected from OpenBot's API may be sent to a third party without first notifying and receiving express consent from the user who it belongs to.
